Hufcor 600 Series is a versatile operable wall system offering aesthetic beauty, functionality and adaptability. Providing durability and various levels of acoustic choices, the 600 series boosts confidence and leaves a lasting impression. It’s panel design is the most versatile in the industry offering a wide range of customizable options.

Quick-Set™ mechanical top and bottom seals that provide the most reliable and fastest in field-operation.
Deep nesting, interlocking bullnose/astragal, and integrated seals provide a reliable vertical seal that maintains superior acoustic performance.
Acoustic ratings up to 56 STC as per ASTME-90.
Panel configurations – Omni directional and paired.
Track system configurations – Omni-directional, pairs and manual trains, and electric continuously hinged.
Available in three standard trim colors – lamb wools, brown or gray.
Custom colors available for metal trim.
Variety of automation, safety and accessories options.
Available with 1 hr. fire rating.

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